Star Bar

Isenhour - GMSN

Lost at sea 28 October 1961.

"He was reported missing at "Muster on Station" approximately 0740, 29 October 1961. After returning to port (Kaosiung, Formosa) from a night of steaming, under Condition III for most of the night, General Quarters was sounded and a thorough search of the ship ensued. When neither of these events resulted in turning up the missing shipmate, we headed out to sea to back track the course of the previous night with hopes of a successful Search and Rescue. The results of this operation were negative, seaman Isenhour was not found. Conducting inquires of the crew revealed that Isenhour had last been seen approximately 1815 the night of 28 October 1961. His Condition III watch station was on one of the hedgehog mounts. It was a very dark night and the lookouts did not see anything."* "After returning to port a memorial service was conducted on the fantail."

"I knew him ... a nice young man" ----- Ens. Robert Modell